Forgot your password?

Enter your Email address. We will send you an email with a special URL inside. Click the URL to reset your password.

Register to receive more information

Signing up with Membership Toolkit is not the same as joining the PTO.

Membership Toolkit is the service that empowers us to make purchases, complete paperwork, and coordinate our volunteer efforts —all online.  We are able to enhance our community by choosing to include our information in the school directory. The goal is to save time, and work together more smoothly!


More details on events and additional pages are available for those who are logged in. We have an app that provides easy access to this content. Please register on the website first before downloading the Membership Toolkit app.


How to Activate Your Membership Toolkit Account


Register or Login

  1. Click and then click “Create Account”.

  2. Complete the “Create Account” form.

    Important:  Use the same email that you use to logon to Genesis (the address that this email was sent to).  Do not use a different email.  You will be able to change your email or add additional emails to your account once it is activated.

  3. Once completed you will receive an email from Membership Toolkit. Click the link in the email message to verify your email address and complete the process.

  4. Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit App on your mobile device so you always have your directory with you! Available in the App Store or Google Play.


Please email McKinley PTO any time.


Email address:



If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,

you can use the same log-in here. Need more information?  CLICK HERE

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